Les Masa du Tchad
Book 1983 Dumas-Champion, Françoise

MasaAfrica > Central Africa
This major ethnography focuses on the institution of the cattle-tending group, which also serves as the basic sociopolitical unit above the household. While most members of a cattle-tending group belong to one lineage, outsiders can join as long as t...

L'activité pastorale et le cycle végétatif
article 2008 Dumas-Champion, Françoise

MasaAfrica > Central Africa
This article focuses on the agricultural and pastoral cycle of the Masa and associated rites, in particular the unique rite of milk cures, in which young men consume large quantities of milk and millet to fatten up. Such rites integrate the disparate...

La place de l'enfant dans la vie rituelle des Masa (Tchad)
article 2002 Dumas-Champion, Françoise

MasaAfrica > Central Africa
Because of their liminal, pre-sexual status, children play a unique role in various Masa rituals that have to do with fertility, such as planting, marriages, funerals, and childbirth (especially of twins). Such events can be dangerous for the health,...